I don't know what to do. I don't really fear God, obey my parents and I feel like I'll never get healed. I've been doing the same thing for the past 7-8 months and I feel like I'm losing hope. I feel like I have something in me yet if I did I wouldn't care. I keep praying and asking God to heal me yet He doesn't do it. I got baptized. Do Bible studies with my family. Go on fasts. Yet nothing is working.

It sounds like you are going through a difficult time and feeling discouraged. It's important to remember that healing can come in many forms and may not always be immediate or obvious. Sometimes the healing process takes time and patience.

Here are a few suggestions that may be useful:

- Seek out support from others. Talk to someone you trust, whether it is a close friend, family member, or a counselor. Sharing your struggles with someone else can help lift some of the weight off of your shoulders.

- Try to focus on gratitude in your life. Even when things are tough, it's important to remember the good things in your life.

- Find ways to serve others. Sometimes when we focus on helping others, it can give us a sense of purpose and help us feel better about ourselves.

- Consider exploring other forms of therapy or treatment. Sometimes it's helpful to seek out professional help, such as a therapist or counselor, or pursue alternative methods of healing, such as acupuncture or meditation.

- Keep praying and seeking God. Remember that healing can come in different ways and we may not always understand why certain things happen or why prayers are not immediately answered. Keep seeking God and trusting that he has a plan for your life.

Remember that healing is a journey, and it's okay to ask for help when we need it. Wishing you all the best as you navigate this difficult time.

I don't have a lot of faith either. I know He exists.

It's normal to have doubts and questions about faith. It's okay to be honest with yourself and with God about where you're at in your faith journey. Perhaps exploring your doubts more deeply might help you strengthen your faith and find some answers to your questions.

One thing you can try is to continue reading and studying the Bible. Even if you don't understand everything or have doubts, there is much to learn from the scriptures.

Another thing you can do is to find a like-minded community where you can discuss your doubts and struggles with others who may have similar experiences. This can help you find support and encouragement as you continue to explore your faith.

Remember, faith is a journey and there is no right or wrong way to navigate it. Keep seeking, praying, and learning, and you may find the answers you are looking for.

No, I'm not no ordinary Christian. I know the Bible, I know God is real, I love Him with everything I have. But I don't fear Him enough. I don't obey my parents. I don't seek Him enough. I'm starting to think I have something in me.

Thank you for clarifying. It's important to remember that each individual's faith journey is unique and has its own set of challenges. It can be difficult to fully surrender our will to God's and to obey Him completely. It's okay to acknowledge that you may have areas in your life where you struggle to obey Him and seek Him.

It's important to take time to reflect on your relationship with God and consider how you can deepen your faith. Perhaps seeking out a trusted mentor or leader in your church or community could provide guidance and support as you continue to grow in your faith.

It's also worth examining any underlying issues that may be contributing to your struggles. If you feel like you may have something "in you" that is inhibiting your faith, it might be helpful to seek out counseling or medical assistance.

Remember, God is always present and willing to help us grow in our faith. Keep seeking Him and asking for His guidance, and you can find the strength to overcome any obstacles in your path.

And what is lust?

Lust is an intense desire or craving, often sexual in nature, that can be all-consuming and cause us to act out of our own selfish desires rather than God's will. The Bible warns us against lust in several passages, such as Matthew 5:28 where Jesus says, "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart."

Lust can take many different forms, such as ography, objectification of others, or an obsessive desire for power, control, or possessions. It can lead us to sin and disrupt our relationships with God and others.

As Christians, we are called to pursue a life of purity and self-control. This means resisting our sinful desires and seeking God's will for our lives. We can do this by guarding our hearts and minds against lustful thoughts and influences, focusing on spiritual growth and discipleship, and seeking accountability and support from our Christian community.

Well, I've been scrolling on Youtube and now whenever I see like a womans cherries and stuff I get these butterfly feeling in my stomach, something I seen on youtube something is wrong. I shouldn't have looked it up. I'm only 13 and I'm a girl, a Christian and against LGBTQ. I need help help help! :(

It's important to remember that the content we consume online can have a powerful impact on our thoughts and feelings. Exposure to sexual or inappropriate content can be harmful, especially for younger people. It's good that you recognize that watching this kind of content may not be healthy for you.

One thing you can do is to try to limit your exposure to this kind of content. If certain YouTube channels or types of videos are triggering these feelings, avoid them completely.

It's also important to talk to a trusted adult or mentor about what you're experiencing. They can provide guidance and support as you work through these feelings and navigate your faith. You could consider talking to a parent, teacher, or a pastor or counselor at your church.

Finally, remember that you're not alone in this. Many people struggle with these kinds of feelings. It's okay to admit that you're struggling and to seek help when you need it.

Am I going to go to hell if I have this? I don't want to. I haven't told my parents because I'm scared of what they'll say. God knows this already because He's God.