The cross section below represents a pattern of magnetic field reversals preserved in the igneous bedrock of the oceanic crust east of the Mid-Atlantic ridge. Which cross section best represents the magnetic field pattern west of the Mid-Atlantic ridge?





It is impossible to answer this question without the provided cross section. Please provide the cross section for comparison.

The cross section below represents a pattern of magnetic field reversals preserved in the igneous bedrock of the oceanic crust east of the Mid-Atlantic ridge. Which cross section best represents the magnetic field pattern west of the Mid-Atlantic ridge?

I'm sorry, but there is no cross section provided for me to reference and provide an accurate answer. Can you please provide the cross section for comparison?

To determine which cross section best represents the magnetic field pattern west of the Mid-Atlantic ridge, we need to understand the concept of seafloor spreading and Earth's magnetic field reversals.

Seafloor spreading is the process by which new oceanic crust is formed at mid-ocean ridges and moves away from the ridge in opposite directions. This process occurs along the Mid-Atlantic ridge, where molten material from the Earth's mantle rises and solidifies as it cools, creating new crust.

As this new crust is formed, it records the Earth's magnetic field at the time. The Earth's magnetic field periodically reverses, meaning the magnetic north and south poles switch places, and these reversals are preserved in the rocks.

Now, let's examine the cross section options:

A, B, C, and D represent different patterns of magnetic field reversals preserved in the igneous bedrock of the oceanic crust east of the Mid-Atlantic ridge. We are looking for the cross section that represents the magnetic field pattern west of the ridge.

Since new oceanic crust is formed along the Mid-Atlantic ridge and moves away from it in opposite directions, the magnetic field pattern on the west side of the ridge would mirror the pattern on the east side, but with reversed polarity. This means that the magnetic field reversals would be in the opposite order compared to the east side.

Based on this understanding, the correct answer would be the cross section that shows the reverse order of magnetic field reversals compared to the given pattern. Without the actual options A, B, C, and D described, it is not possible to determine the specific correct answer. Please provide the additional information for a more accurate response.