What is one thing scientists can learn from studying the Paleomagnetism on the ocean floor?(1 point)


the cause of the magnetic pole reversals
the cause of the magnetic pole reversals

the exact location of the next earthquake
the exact location of the next earthquake

the speed of the plates moving away from each other
the speed of the plates moving away from each other

when the next magnetic reversal will take place

the cause of the magnetic pole reversals

Correctly identify these terms for where an Earthquake occurs. [A,B,C]

(1 point)

A.Fault, B.Epicenter, C.Focus
A.Fault, B.Epicenter, C.Focus

A.Fault, B.Focus, C.Epicenter
A.Fault, B.Focus, C.Epicenter

A.Focus, B.Epicenter, C.Fault
A.Focus, B.Epicenter, C.Fault

A.Focus, B.Fault, C.Epicenter

Correctly identify these terms for where an Earthquake occurs. [A,B,C]

(1 point)

A.Fault, B.Epicenter, C.Focus
A.Fault, B.Epicenter, C.Focus

A.Fault, B.Focus, C.Epicenter
A.Fault, B.Focus, C.Epicenter

A.Focus, B.Epicenter, C.Fault
A.Focus, B.Epicenter, C.Fault

A.Focus, B.Fault, C.Epicenter

Scientists can learn about the cause of magnetic pole reversals by studying paleomagnetism on the ocean floor. To understand how this is done, scientists collect samples of rock from the ocean floor and analyze their magnetic properties. This involves studying the orientation and strength of the magnetic minerals within the rocks.

As molten lava cools and solidifies, iron-rich minerals within the lava align themselves with the Earth's magnetic field. This creates a record of the Earth's magnetic field at the time of the lava's formation. By analyzing the magnetic alignment of rocks from different time periods and locations on the ocean floor, scientists can reconstruct the history of Earth's magnetic field and identify patterns of magnetic pole reversals.

Therefore, by studying paleomagnetism on the ocean floor, scientists can gain insight into the cause of magnetic pole reversals and better understand the dynamics of Earth's magnetic field.