A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with exactly -

f four congruent sides
g four congruent angles
h one pair of parallel sides
j one pair of congruent sides

h one pair of parallel sides

1a. Find the volume of the cylinder. Use 3.14 for π.

24 yd ^3
301.44 yd^3
150.72 yd^3
452.16 yd^3

452.16 yd^3

1b. Find the surface area of the same cylinder from question 1a. (r= 4yd and h= 6 yd) Use 3.14 for π.

3 points
150.72 yd^2
100.48 yd^2
251.2 yd^2
75.36 yd^2

251.2 yd^2

2a. Find the volume of the rectangular prism.

* 8ft 14ft 4ft
26 ft^3
52 ft^3
50 ft^3
448 ft^3

448 ft^3

2b. Find the surface area of the same rectangular prism from question 1a. (L=14 ft, W= 4 ft, H= 8 ft)

3 points
200 ft^2
112 ft^2
400 ft^2
56 ft^2

400 ft^2

Find the area of the rectangle.

* 7.4yds 5.1yds
37.74 yd^2
25 yd^2
12.5 yd^2
2.3 yd^2