Below are the results of tossing a number cube 8 times. Find the experimental probability of tossing an even number.

3, 4, 1, 2, 5, 1, 6, 5
A. one-fourth
B. Start Fraction 3 over 8 End Fraction
C. The fraction is one-half.
D. start fraction 5 over 8 end fraction

There are 8 tosses in total. Out of those 8, there are 4 even numbers (4, 2, 6, 4). Therefore, the experimental probability of tossing an even number is:

4/8 = 1/2

So the answer is C. The fraction is one-half.

How many different ways can a coach select the captain and co-captain of a team from a group of 20 people?

A. 40
B. 160
C. 380
D. 420

There are 20 options for selecting the captain, and once the captain is selected, there are 19 options left for selecting the co-captain (since one person has already been chosen). However, since the order of choosing the captain and co-captain doesn't matter, the total number of different ways to select the two positions is:

20 x 19 / 2 = 190

The division by 2 is because the order of selection doesn't matter. So the answer is not listed, but the closest answer is C. 380.

To find the experimental probability of tossing an even number, we need to count how many times an even number (2, 4, or 6) was rolled out of the 8 rolls. Let's go through the list of results and count the even numbers:

3, 4, 1, 2, 5, 1, 6, 5

We have three even numbers (4, 2, and 6). Therefore, the experimental probability of tossing an even number is 3 out of 8.

Now, let's look at the answer choices:
A. one-fourth: This fraction corresponds to 1 out of 4, which is incorrect.
B. Start Fraction 3 over 8 End Fraction: This fraction correctly represents the experimental probability of getting an even number, as 3 out of 8.
C. The fraction is one-half: This fraction is not accurate since the experimental probability is not one-half.
D. Start fraction 5 over 8 End fraction: This fraction represents a different outcome and is not the probability of getting an even number.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. Start Fraction 3 over 8 End Fraction, which represents the experimental probability of tossing an even number.