The hourly wages of two restaurants are as follows.

Restaurant 1: $16.25, $15.99, $14.50, $16.00, $17.10, $15.50, $16.00
Restaurant 2: $18.15, $14.99, $17.75, $16.99, $15.45, $15.50, $17.05

What is the difference in the ranges of the hourly wages of these two restaurants?





To find the range of hourly wages for each restaurant, we need to subtract the lowest wage from the highest wage.

For Restaurant 1:
Highest wage = $17.10
Lowest wage = $14.50
Range = $17.10 - $14.50 = $2.60

For Restaurant 2:
Highest wage = $18.15
Lowest wage = $14.99
Range = $18.15 - $14.99 = $3.16

The difference in the ranges is:
$3.16 - $2.60 = $0.56

Therefore, the answer is $0.56.