A tortoise travelled for 3.9min at an average speed of 0.005m/s from Point A to Point B. How far did it travel?

We can use the formula:

distance = speed x time

Plug in the given values:

distance = 0.005 m/s x 3.9 min

But we need to convert minutes to seconds:

distance = 0.005 m/s x 234 s

Calculate the product:

distance = 1.17 meters

Therefore, the tortoise traveled a distance of 1.17 meters from Point A to Point B.

To find the distance traveled by the tortoise, we can use the formula:

Distance = Speed × Time

Given that the tortoise traveled for 3.9 minutes at an average speed of 0.005 m/s, we need to convert the time to seconds first.

1 minute = 60 seconds

Therefore, 3.9 minutes = 3.9 × 60 = 234 seconds

Now, we can calculate the distance traveled:

Distance = Speed × Time = 0.005 m/s × 234 s = 1.17 meters

So, the tortoise traveled a distance of 1.17 meters from Point A to Point B.