Towns a and b are 420 apart two Lorrie departed from a same travelling towards b lorry x travelled at an average speed of 15km/h less Yand 1hour and24hourslater

Calculator the average speed

To calculate the average speed, we need to find the total time it took for both lorries to reach town B.

Let's assume the average speed of lorry Y is 'v' km/h.

Lorry Y departed 1 hour and 24 minutes later than lorry X.
So, the time taken by lorry X to reach town B = d/s = 420/v + 1 (1 hour travel time)

Lorry Y departed 24 hours later than lorry X.
So, the time taken by lorry Y to reach town B = d/s = 420/v

The total time taken for both lorries to reach town B = 420/v + 1 + 420/v

Now, we can find the average speed:
Average speed = total distance / total time
= 420 / (420/v + 1 + 420/v)
= 420v / (840 + v + 840)
= 420v / (1680 + v)

Therefore, the average speed is 420v / (1680 + v) km/h.

To calculate the average speed, we need to find the total time taken and the total distance traveled.

Let's assume the speed of lorry X is denoted as VX km/h, and the speed of lorry Y is denoted as VY km/h.

Lorry X travels for t1 hours, and lorry Y travels for t2 hours. We are given that lorry X starts 1 hour earlier than lorry Y, so we can say:

t1 = t2 + 1

Now, let's calculate the time taken by each lorry to travel from town A to town B:

Time taken by lorry X: t1 = 420 km / VX
Time taken by lorry Y: t2 = 420 km / VY

Since lorry X traveled for 1 hour longer than lorry Y, we can say:

t1 = t2 + 1

So, we can substitute the values of t1 and t2:

420/VX = (420/VY) + 1

To find the average speed, we need to calculate the total time taken and total distance traveled:

Total time taken = t1 + t2
= (420/VX) + (420/VY)

Total distance traveled = 420 km

Average speed = Total distance traveled / Total time taken
= 420 km / [(420/VX) + (420/VY)]

Please provide the values of VX and VY so we can calculate the average speed.