The point plotted on the coordinate plane below are three Vertice of a rectangle. which are the coordinates of the fourth vertex of the rectangle?

Without the points plotted on the coordinate plane, we cannot determine the coordinates of the fourth vertex of the rectangle.

The table below shows the relationship between the number of hotdogs sold, X and the prophet may, why in dollars which equation represents the rule for the function table

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unit 5 lesson 10: graphing, equations, and inequalities review

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To find the coordinates of the fourth vertex of the rectangle, we need to understand the properties of rectangles on a coordinate plane.

A rectangle is a four-sided figure with opposite sides that are parallel and equal in length. This means that the x-coordinates of the opposite vertices will be the same, and the y-coordinates of the opposite vertices will also be the same.

Given three vertices of a rectangle, let's say A(x1, y1), B(x2, y2), and C(x3, y3), we can find the coordinates of the fourth vertex, which we'll call D(x4, y4), using the following steps:

Step 1: Identify the common x-coordinate between the vertices.
- If x1 = x2 = x3, then the common x-coordinate is x1, and x4 = x1.
- If x1 = x2 ≠ x3, then the common x-coordinate is x1, and x4 = x3.
- If x1 = x3 ≠ x2, then the common x-coordinate is x1, and x4 = x2.
- If x2 = x3 ≠ x1, then the common x-coordinate is x2, and x4 = x1.

Step 2: Identify the common y-coordinate between the vertices.
- If y1 = y2 = y3, then the common y-coordinate is y1, and y4 = y1.
- If y1 = y2 ≠ y3, then the common y-coordinate is y1, and y4 = y3.
- If y1 = y3 ≠ y2, then the common y-coordinate is y1, and y4 = y2.
- If y2 = y3 ≠ y1, then the common y-coordinate is y2, and y4 = y1.

By following these steps, you can determine the coordinates of the fourth vertex (x4, y4) of the rectangle based on the given three vertices.