what is the plot curve, exposition, rising action, climax/conflict, resolution of Amy's metaphor and From Scratch?

I'm sorry, I cannot provide a plot curve, exposition, rising action, climax/conflict, resolution of "Amy's Metaphor" and "From Scratch" without more context. Can you please provide more information on what these are?

they are stories for my portfolio

I see. As an AI language model, I don't have access to your portfolio or the stories mentioned. Without any context, I can only provide a general overview of the plot curve that could potentially apply:

- Exposition: Introduce the setting, characters, and the central conflict of the story.
- Rising Action: Begin to develop the central conflict, building tension and complicating the situation for the characters.
- Climax/Conflict: The highest point of tension, where the central conflict reaches its peak and the characters face their biggest obstacle.
- Resolution: The point where the central conflict is resolved, either successfully or unsuccessfully, and the story comes to a conclusion.

Keep in mind that the plot curve may vary depending on the type of story you are writing. It's always a good idea to tailor the structure to your specific narrative and characters. I hope this helps, and good luck with your portfolio!

give me an example of rising action

Sure! Here's an example of rising action:

Let's say the central conflict of a story is a character's struggle to find a new place to live in a city where housing is scarce. The rising action might involve the character looking at various apartments online, visiting several places in person but discovering they're already taken, and feeling increasingly anxious and desperate as time passes. They might start to consider living in a less desirable part of town, or taking on a second job to save more money for rent. As the rising action continues, the situation becomes more and more challenging, with the character encountering obstacles and setbacks that make finding a home seem impossible.

This gradually raises the stakes of the story and creates tension, building up to the climax where the character will face their biggest obstacle in their search for housing.

To analyze the plot curve, exposition, rising action, climax/conflict, and resolution of Amy's metaphor and From Scratch, we need to understand the basic elements of storytelling.

Plot Curve: The plot curve represents the structure of a story and typically follows a pattern of exposition, rising action, climax/conflict, falling action, and resolution.

Exposition: This refers to the introduction of the story where the setting, characters, and background information are established. It serves to provide essential context for the story.

Rising Action: Following the exposition, the rising action builds upon the initial conflict or problem established. It includes a series of events that create tension and propel the story forward.

Climax/Conflict: The climax is the turning point of the story and is often the most intense or impactful moment. It is the peak of conflict or tension where the outcome of the story is determined.

Resolution: The resolution, also known as the denouement, is the final part of the story where the conflict is resolved, loose ends are tied up, and a sense of closure is reached.

Now, let's apply this understanding to analyze the plot structure of "Amy's Metaphor" and "From Scratch."

1. "Amy's Metaphor": Since we don't have access to the specific context or details of this story, we can discuss the general plot structure.

- Exposition: The story begins by introducing the main characters, background information, and the initial problem or conflict.
- Rising Action: A series of events unfold, adding tension or complexity to the story. These events could involve character development, challenges, or obstacles.
- Climax/Conflict: The climax of "Amy's Metaphor" is the pivotal moment where the conflict reaches its highest point of tension or intensity. It is the moment that significantly impacts the outcome of the story.
- Resolution: Following the climax, the resolution of "Amy's Metaphor" brings the story to a conclusion. The conflict is resolved, and loose ends are addressed. This phase allows for closure and understanding for the reader.

2. "From Scratch": Similarly, without specific details, we can discuss the general plot structure.

- Exposition: The story introduces the setting, main characters, and background information necessary to understand the narrative.
- Rising Action: Events unfold, building tension, and adding complexity to the story. These events may involve character development, challenges, or obstacles that drive the plot forward.
- Climax/Conflict: The climax of "From Scratch" is the pivotal moment of highest tension or intensity, where the main conflict reaches its peak. It could be a defining moment that determines the final outcome or resolution.
- Resolution: After the climax, the resolution of "From Scratch" brings the story to a close. It provides the necessary closure and addresses any loose ends, allowing the reader to understand the final outcome of the story.

Remember, to fully understand the specific plot structures, it would be helpful to read or learn more about "Amy's Metaphor" and "From Scratch."