A colorful illustration showcasing the stages of a story plot (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action). The stages are symbolized by a rising and falling path, with each stage labeled. The path begins at 'exposition' where a dedicated and focused student is immersed in a book in a detailed classroom setting. The 'rising action' shows the student at her desk, math books open in front of her, appearing thoughtful. At the 'climax', there's a light bulb above her head, symbolizing realization during a math class. The 'falling action' depicts the student with a satisfied and relieved expression.

qhere in the plot doed mayas's realization during math class occur? Exposition Climax Rising Action Falling Action

Maya's realization during math class would occur in the rising action of the plot. This is the part of the story where the main events and conflicts are introduced and developed, leading up to the climax. Maya's realization is part of the development of the story and helps to build up the tension and conflict in the plot.