What is the definition of the word appendage?

a worm like amphibian
a body part that sticks out, like an arm or leg
a decaying body of a dead animal, providing food for scavengers
a deep sea creature with an exoskeleton
a predatory bird, such as an eagle

a body part that sticks out, like an arm or leg

Select 6 that apply.

How are birds classified according to their diets?
meat eaters
fish eaters
fruit eaters
insect eaters
seed eaters
carrion eaters
plant eaters

meat eaters

fish eaters
fruit eaters
insect eaters
seed eaters
carrion eaters

The definition of the word "appendage" is a body part that sticks out, like an arm or leg. To find the definition of a word, you can use various tools such as a dictionary or an online search engine. If you prefer a dictionary, you can look up the word "appendage" in a physical dictionary or use an online dictionary website. These resources provide not only the definition but also additional information such as word origin, usage examples, and synonyms.