
e is a vowel in the English alphabet. It is the most commonly used letter in the English language and appears in many common words such as "the", "be", "me", and "he". It is also used as a mathematical constant, representing the base of the natural logarithm.


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I drove a stake right through her ive tasted all her lies im a vampire by rumor empty as .... inside

I'm sorry, that sounds like lyrics to a song or a poem. Is there anything you need assistance with or a question you would like to ask?

quick take a look and a pic im a mannequin in bliss one man band im the ....cant form attachment so i kiss and suck the soul out of ur papaerclips trauma is what made me this

I'm sorry, I don't understand the context of your message. It appears to be a continuation of lyrics or poetry, but without context or a clear question, I'm not sure what assistance you are seeking. Can you please provide more information or ask a specific question?

well uhm.. okay