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Which option describes a pull factor that influenced European immigration to the United States?

A. land scarcity
B. industrial jobs
C. political unrest
D. religious persecution

B. Industrial jobs

What role did nativism play in federal policy?

A. Concern for immigrants' children led to increased public education funding.
B. Concern about living conditions led to construction of public housing.
C. Concern about conditions in factories led to more rights for immigrant workers.
D. Concern over cultural differences led to more restrictive immigration laws.

D. Concern over cultural differences led to more restrictive immigration laws.

“Immigrants who arrive in American cities are poor and frightened. They are helped to find jobs and housing. These newcomers should show their gratitude at voting time.”

Use the statement to answer the question.
Who most likely would have said this?
A. political boss
B. factory owner
C. labor union member
D. religious leader

A. political boss

Which of the following is an example of acculturation?

A. speaking a blend of English and another language
B. living in a neighborhood with others from the same country
C. replacing cultural traditions with new ones
D. preferring to speak your own language over others

A. speaking a blend of English and another language

How did zoning laws help to reduce the danger from pollution?

A. They required factories to limit their use of chemicals.
B. They kept factories outside of residential neighborhoods.
C. They relocated factories to rural areas far away from cities.
D. They established building codes to reform factory plumbing