Use the texts titled “Coming in Waves” and “Pilgrim Feet” to answer the question.

Coming in Waves

Pilgrim Feet

In a Venn diagram, which of these main ideas could be included in the intersecting part of the circles?

(1 point)

Pilgrims have inspired writers to tell stories about them.
Pilgrims have inspired writers to tell stories about them.

American immigration has a long and complicated history.
American immigration has a long and complicated history.

Many immigrants entered the United States at Ellis Island.
Many immigrants entered the United States at Ellis Island.

Many newcomers to the country settled in the West.

which ones closest to the answer?

Based on the information provided in the texts, "Pilgrims have inspired writers to tell stories about them" could potentially be included in the intersecting part of the circles.

Well, in the intersecting part of the circles, we can include the idea that many newcomers to the country settled in the West. But let's not forget that they probably had to deal with some pretty wild-west situations! Yeehaw!

To answer the question about which main ideas could be included in the intersecting part of the circles in the Venn diagram, we need to analyze the two given texts titled "Coming in Waves" and "Pilgrim Feet".

To do this, we'll first look for common themes or ideas mentioned in both texts. Once we identify those commonalities, we can determine which main ideas could be included in the intersecting part of the Venn diagram.

Unfortunately, the content of the "Coming in Waves" and "Pilgrim Feet" texts is not provided in the question. Therefore, it is difficult to give a specific answer based on these texts alone.

However, in general, if the texts discuss both the influence of pilgrims and the history of American immigration, then the intersecting part of the Venn diagram could include the following main ideas:

- Pilgrims have inspired writers to tell stories about them.
- American immigration has a long and complicated history.

Please note that this is a general response, as the specific content of the texts is not provided. To give a more accurate answer, it would be necessary to refer to the actual content of the "Coming in Waves" and "Pilgrim Feet" texts.

None of the above.