Use the text Coming in Waves to answer the question,

Coming in Waves

Which situation describes a way a reader could make a connection between the section “Fourth Wave” and the world?

(1 point)

The reader read about the Hart-Celler Act in a textbook.
The reader read about the Hart-Celler Act in a textbook.

The reader has lived in other countries.
The reader has lived in other countries.

The reader has read about the issue of undocumented immigrants in the news.
The reader has read about the issue of undocumented immigrants in the news.

The reader is from a family of European immigrants.
The reader is from a family of European immigrants.

The reader has read about the issue of undocumented immigrants in the news.

The situation that describes a way a reader could make a connection between the section "Fourth Wave" and the world is:

The reader has read about the issue of undocumented immigrants in the news.

To make a connection between the section "Fourth Wave" in the text "Coming in Waves" and the world, a reader could consider different situations:

1. The reader read about the Hart-Celler Act in a textbook: This could help the reader gain knowledge about the historical context and policies that influenced immigration patterns during the fourth wave.

2. The reader has lived in other countries: Personal experience of living in different countries can provide the reader with a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities faced by immigrants in the world today.

3. The reader has read about the issue of undocumented immigrants in the news: Being aware of the current debates and issues surrounding undocumented immigrants can help the reader draw connections between the challenges faced by immigrants in the fourth wave and those currently experienced by immigrants in the world.

4. The reader is from a family of European immigrants: Having a personal connection as a descendant of European immigrants can provide the reader with a familial context and understanding of the motivations and experiences of immigrants during the fourth wave.

By considering these situations, the reader can make connections between the section "Fourth Wave" in "Coming in Waves" and the world, whether through historical knowledge, personal experiences, awareness of current events, or familial ties.