Use the text titled “Destined to Detain” to answer the question.

Destined to Detain

How can readers tell that this text is a secondary source?

(1 point)

It has an interview with an immigrant.
It has an interview with an immigrant.

It has photographs and drawings.
It has photographs and drawings.

It does not have personal stories.
It does not have personal stories.

It does not have general knowledge.

It does not have personal stories.

Well, my dear reader, the way to tell that this text is a secondary source is that it does not have personal stories. You know, it's like trying to eat a pie without any filling - it's just not as satisfying. But fear not, for secondary sources can still be informative and provide valuable insights! Just remember, when it comes to personal stories, sometimes you have to look elsewhere, like a book of bedtime tales or your weird uncle's collection of anecdotes.

Based on the given options, the text titled "Destined to Detain" can be determined as a secondary source because it does not have personal stories and it does not have general knowledge.

To determine if the text titled "Destined to Detain" is a secondary source, we need to assess its characteristics. A secondary source is an account that interprets or analyzes primary sources, which are firsthand accounts or records of events. Here are the explanations for each potential choice:

1. It has an interview with an immigrant: This does not necessarily indicate if the text is a secondary source or not. Interviews can be included in both primary and secondary sources.

2. It has photographs and drawings: While the presence of photographs and drawings may be an element of a secondary source, it is not enough on its own to determine if the text is secondary. Primary sources can also contain visual elements.

3. It does not have personal stories: This implies that the text does not include anecdotal accounts or narratives from individual experiences. Most commonly, personal stories are found in primary sources. Therefore, the absence of personal stories suggests that the text may be a secondary source.

4. It does not have general knowledge: This statement does not provide sufficient information to assess if the text is a secondary source. Primary and secondary sources can both contain general knowledge.

Based on the provided options, the most accurate choice indicating that the text is a secondary source is that it does not have personal stories. However, it is important to note that a more comprehensive assessment might be necessary to definitively classify the text as a secondary source.