Why is the water cycle important for ecosystems?(1 point)


The water cycle uses photosynthesis to make clouds. These clouds make surface water that animals drink to survive in their ecosystem.
The water cycle uses photosynthesis to make clouds. These clouds make surface water that animals drink to survive in their ecosystem.

The water cycle helps plants keep and store water. The cycle makes sure that water stays at Earth's surface and is available to ecosystems.
The water cycle helps plants keep and store water. The cycle makes sure that water stays at Earth's surface and is available to ecosystems.

The water cycle helps recycle and transport water around the planet. The cycle replenishes the water supply of ecosystems.
The water cycle helps recycle and transport water around the planet. The cycle replenishes the water supply of ecosystems.

The water cycle permanently removes water from underground and from large bodies of water and transports it to terrestrial ecosystems.
The water cycle permanently removes water from underground and from large bodies of water and transports it to terrestrial ecosystems.

The correct response is: The water cycle helps recycle and transport water around the planet. The cycle replenishes the water supply of ecosystems. The water cycle is important for ecosystems because it ensures a consistent supply of water, which is necessary for plants and animals to survive. Without the water cycle, water would be stagnant and not distributed evenly, leading to droughts or floods in different areas. The water cycle also helps to regulate temperature and weather patterns, providing a stable environment for ecosystems to thrive.