Order the numbers from closest to zero to farthest from zero:

4.38 , |4.5| , |-4.6| , -|4.9|
-|4.9| , 4.38 , |4.5| , |-4.6|
|4.5| , |-4.6| , -|4.9| , 4.38
4.38 , -|4.9| , |4.5| , |-4.6|
4.38 , |4.5| , |-4.6| , -|4.9|

4.38 , |4.5| , |-4.6| , -|4.9|


To order the numbers from closest to zero to farthest from zero, we need to consider their absolute values. The closer the absolute value is to zero, the closer the number is to zero.

So, let's look at the absolute values of each number:

- 4.38 -> 4.38
- |4.5| -> 4.5
- |-4.6| -> 4.6
- -|4.9| -> 4.9

Now we can see that 4.38 is the smallest absolute value, so it is the closest number to zero. The next closest is |4.5|, followed by |-4.6|, and finally, -|4.9| is the farthest from zero.

Therefore, the correct order from closest to zero to farthest from zero is:

4.38 , |4.5| , |-4.6| , -|4.9|

To order the numbers from closest to zero to farthest from zero, we need to compare the absolute values of the numbers. Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. First, find the absolute value of each number. Remember that the absolute value of a number is its distance from zero on the number line, regardless of its sign.

The absolute values of the given numbers are:
4.38 → 4.38
|4.5| → 4.5
|-4.6| → 4.6
-|4.9| → 4.9

2. Now, compare the absolute values and order the numbers based on their distances from zero. The closest number to zero will come first, followed by the next closest, and so on.

The ordered numbers from closest to zero to farthest from zero are:
4.38, |4.5|, |-4.6|, -|4.9|

So the correct option is:
4.38, |4.5|, |-4.6|, -|4.9|