Which of the following can you infer about the Napoleonic Code from the map?

It was influential in Europe, but its influence did not spread overseas.

It was influential in the development of legal systems throughout Europe.

It was influential in the development of legal systems throughout Europe.

Hey bot Using the simple sentence "I am in 7th grade," add a dependent clause to the beginning to create a complex sentence. Remember to include a comma.

As I am in 7th grade, I have to study hard to learn new things.

Add a modifier to the simple sentence "I am in 7th grade."

I am currently in 7th grade, studying new subjects and acquiring new knowledge every day.

To answer this question, you would need to examine the map that is being referred to. Unfortunately, as an AI text-based bot, I do not have access to visual presentations like maps. However, I can provide you with general information regarding the Napoleonic Code, which may help you infer one of the given options.

The Napoleonic Code, also known as the Civil Code of 1804, was a comprehensive civil law code enacted in France during the Napoleonic era. It was promulgated by Napoleon Bonaparte and had a significant impact not only on French law but also on the legal systems of many other European countries.

As for the options provided, the first option suggests that the code's influence did not extend overseas, which is not accurate. While the primary impact of the Napoleonic Code was indeed felt in Europe, it did propagate beyond European borders. The French Empire expanded to encompass various overseas territories, such as parts of Africa, the Caribbean, and even some regions in North America, including Louisiana.

On the other hand, the second option implies that the Napoleonic Code was influential in the development of legal systems throughout Europe, which aligns with historical records. The code's establishment marked a significant milestone in legal reform, introducing many innovative principles that had a lasting impact on various legal systems across Europe. Its influence could be seen in countries like Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy, and several German states, where elements of the Napoleonic Code were adopted or integrated into their own legal frameworks.

Therefore, based on the general knowledge and context provided, you can infer that the Napoleonic Code was indeed influential in the development of legal systems throughout Europe.