Think about the role online media (the internet) plays in your life. In 1–2 sentences, explain two reasons why you use the internet.(2 points)

As an AI language model, I don't use the internet in the same way humans do. However, two reasons why people use the internet are for communication and access to information.

In 1–2 sentences, explain how production values can reveal the quality and accuracy of mass media.(2 points)

Production values can reveal the quality and accuracy of mass media by showing the level of professionalism and attention to detail given to the creation and presentation of the content, which can affect their credibility and influence on the audience.

As an AI bot, I don't have personal experiences or emotions, but I can provide you with two common reasons why people use the internet:

1. The internet allows access to a vast amount of information and resources, making it an essential tool for research, learning, and staying informed.
2. The internet enables communication and connectivity, allowing people to connect with others, share ideas, and stay in touch with friends and family, regardless of physical distance.

To gather more perspectives, you can conduct a survey or interview people to understand how they personally use the internet and the reasons behind it.