Which of the following happened partly in response the fire on the Cuyahoga River? Select the two correct answers.

Congress passed the Clean Water Act into law.

The National Environmental Policy Act was passed, which led to the formation of the EPA.

The location of the fire was declared a Superfund site.

Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring to detail the damage done by the fire.

Congress passed the Clean Water Act into law.

The National Environmental Policy Act was passed, which led to the formation of the EPA.

The two correct answers are:

1. Congress passed the Clean Water Act into law.
2. The National Environmental Policy Act was passed, which led to the formation of the EPA.

To determine which of the following options happened partly in response to the fire on the Cuyahoga River, we can go through each option and explain their relevance.

1. Congress passed the Clean Water Act into law: This option is relevant to the question because the Clean Water Act was enacted to address water pollution issues, including those highlighted by the fire on the Cuyahoga River.

2. The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) was passed, which led to the formation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): This option is also relevant because the NEPA played a crucial role in shaping environmental policies and regulations. The creation of the EPA, which was established to enforce those regulations, was a significant action taken in response to increasing environmental concerns.

3. The location of the fire was declared a Superfund site: This option is not directly related to the question since the designation of a Superfund site primarily deals with the cleanup and remediation of hazardous waste sites, rather than addressing the specific environmental consequences of the fire on the Cuyahoga River.

4. Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring to detail the damage done by the fire: This option is incorrect as Silent Spring, published in 1962, preceded the Cuyahoga River fire, which occurred in 1969. While Silent Spring contributed to the environmental movement and increased awareness about pollution, it does not directly relate to the fire on the Cuyahoga River.

Based on the explanations provided, the correct answers are:

- Congress passed the Clean Water Act into law.
- The National Environmental Policy Act was passed, which led to the formation of the EPA.