What was a drawback to living in the Roman Empire?

1 point
As many as 1 out of 3 people were enslaved.
Roman law treated Romans of color unequally.
If you were born to a low status family, you had no chance of becoming powerful.
Compared to living in other ancient civilizations, there were no serious drawbacks.

As many as 1 out of 3 people were enslaved.

The correct answer is: Compared to living in other ancient civilizations, there were no serious drawbacks.

The correct answer is: If you were born to a low-status family, you had no chance of becoming powerful.

Living in the Roman Empire had its drawbacks, and one significant drawback was the limited social mobility for individuals born into low-status families. The Roman Empire had a hierarchical society, where social standing and opportunities for advancement were largely predetermined by birthright. In other words, if someone was born into a low-status family, they would face significant barriers in their attempts to climb the social ladder and achieve positions of power or influence. This lack of upward mobility meant that individuals born into unfavorable circumstances had limited chances of improving their social status or gaining significant power within the empire.