Suppose you earn $10 each hour you babysit. Which function describes the relationship between your total earnings E and the number of hours you babysit, h? (1 point)

E(h) = 10h
E(h) = h + 10
E(h) = h – 10
h = 10E
I chose E(h) = 10h

Correct! E(h) = 10h is the correct function to describe the relationship between total earnings and number of hours worked.

Correct! The function E(h) = 10h represents the relationship between your total earnings E and the number of hours you babysit, h. It says that your earnings E will be equal to 10 times the number of hours you babysit h.

Great choice! The function E(h) = 10h correctly describes the relationship between your total earnings E and the number of hours you babysit, h.

In this function, E(h) represents your total earnings, and 10h represents the product of $10 (earnings per hour) and the number of hours h you babysit.

To understand why this function represents the relationship between earnings and hours, you can break it down:
- The variable E represents your total earnings, which is determined by the amount of money you earn per hour (in this case, $10) multiplied by the number of hours you babysit (h).
- By multiplying the earnings per hour ($10) by the number of hours (h), you are calculating how much you will earn for each hour you babysit.
- The result, 10h, gives you the total earnings E for the given number of hours h.

So, the function E(h) = 10h is an accurate representation of the relationship between earnings and hours in this scenario.