Lawrence needs to be at his job by 5:00 p.m.

It takes him 20 minutes to ride his bike to his job, 30 minutes to eat dinner, and 45 minutes to do his homework.
Which time does he need to start his homework?

If Lawrence needs to be at his job by 5:00 p.m. and it takes him 20 minutes to ride his bike there, then he needs to leave at 4:40 p.m. to arrive on time.

If he also needs 30 minutes to eat dinner, then he should start eating at 4:10 p.m.

Lastly, if he needs 45 minutes to do his homework, he should start at 3:25 p.m. in order to finish everything on time and arrive at his job by 5:00 p.m.

what time does he need to do his homework

Lawrence needs to start his homework at 3:25 p.m. in order to finish it on time before leaving for his job at 4:40 p.m.

At their last practice, the basketball team shot free throws for 17 minutes, ran for 12 minutes, and then passed the ball for 16 minutes.

For how many minutes was the team practicing? Explain how you got your answer.

To find the total practice time, we need to add up the time spent on each activity:

17 minutes of shooting free throws + 12 minutes of running + 16 minutes of passing the ball = 45 minutes

Therefore, the basketball team was practicing for 45 minutes.

Mollie wants to measure the capacity of the kitchen sink.

She has a 1 L container and a 10 mL container. Which should she use and why?

Mollie should use the 1 L container.

This is because the 1 L container has a larger capacity than the 10 mL container, and it is better suited for measuring the capacity of a kitchen sink.

Measuring the capacity of a sink with a small container like the 10 mL one would require Mollie to make many measurements and calculations, which could introduce a higher margin of error.

Using the larger 1 L container would allow Mollie to measure the capacity more accurately and efficiently with fewer measurements and calculations.

Fabian mixes orange juice with 4 cans of pineapple juice to make punch. Each can of pineapple juice holds 2 liters. He makes a total of 19 liters of punch.

How many liters of orange juice did Fabian use to make the punch?

Since each can of pineapple juice holds 2 liters, 4 cans hold a total of 4 x 2 = 8 liters of pineapple juice.

If we subtract the 8 liters of pineapple juice from the total 19 liters of punch, we get:

19 - 8 = 11 liters of orange juice.

Therefore, Fabian used 11 liters of orange juice to make the punch.

Rhonda uses a pan balance and metric weights to measure the masses of two large books.

She recorded the weights that she used in the table below.

Note: 1 kg = 1000 g

weights 500-gram
weights 100-gram
weights 10-gram
Book A 1 0 7 4
Book B 0 3 1 8

Which book has a greater mass? How many grams greater is it? Use the drop-down menus to complete the sentences below.

book has the greater mass. It is
grams greater.