Whats the average age of a period in girls?

The average age of a girl's first period is 12 years old, but it can vary between 8 and 15 years old.

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To determine the average age at which girls typically start menstruating (referred to as getting their period), we need to refer to scientific studies and statistics on pubertal development.

One of the most prominent studies in this area is the Nurses' Health Study II, which began in 1989 and has been ongoing. According to this study, the average age of menarche (the first occurrence of menstruation) in the United States has been found to be around 12.4 years.

However, it is essential to note that the average age can vary based on several factors, including genetics, ethnicity, body mass index (BMI), general health, and environmental factors. The range for the average age of menarche is typically between 10 to 15 years, but it can be earlier or later in some cases.

If you are interested in finding the average age of menarche in a specific population or country, you can search for relevant studies, surveys, or databases that compile this information. It's worth noting that the age of menarche has shown some variation over the years, possibly due to changes in nutrition and overall health.