Chase and Abigail walked the same distance to school. In ten minutes, Chase walked Z and Abigail walked ½ of the distance. Conjecture: In ten minutes, Abigail walked farther than Chase.

Part A
Complete the number lines to help justify the conjecture.

Unfortunately, as an AI language model, I do not have the capability to provide visual aids such as number lines. However, I can try to explain it in words.

Let's assume that the distance to school is represented by a number line, and that Chase and Abigail start at the same point on the number line. After ten minutes, Chase walks a certain distance, represented by Z units on the number line. Abigail walks half of the distance, which means she walks Z/2 units on the number line. Since Z/2 is less than Z (unless Z is equal to 0), Abigail has walked a shorter distance than Chase after ten minutes. Therefore, the conjecture that Abigail walked farther than Chase is false.