Dolphins are animals that live in water, but they do not have gills. What might this suggest about dolphins?

C. They have another structure to obtain oxygen.

more sweating

1. Biodiversity refers to all the different species of plants, animals, and microorganisms that exist in an ecosystem and their interactions with each other and their environment.

2. An example of low biodiversity is the Arctic tundra. This ecosystem has only a few species of plants and animals due to its extreme environment, such as low temperatures and limited sunlight.

3. Two solutions that could help solve low biodiversity in the Arctic tundra are introducing new species capable of withstanding the harsh environment and implementing conservation measures to preserve the existing species.

4. Introducing new species may be difficult and could negatively impact the existing ecosystem, while conservation measures may take longer to show results but have fewer negative consequences. Therefore, implementing conservation measures would be the more effective solution.

5. The cost of introducing new species may be high due to the need for research and development, while conservation measures may have fewer monetary costs but require more effort from stakeholders. However, the potential benefits of conservation measures are greater in terms of preserving the existing ecosystem and the species that inhabit it.

6. The audience can help by spreading awareness about the importance of biodiversity in preserving ecosystems and supporting policies and programs that promote conservation efforts.

7. The audience can participate by making lifestyle changes that reduce their carbon footprint, volunteering for local conservation initiatives, and supporting environmentally-friendly businesses.

8. Promoting conservation efforts not only helps preserve biodiversity and ecosystems but also provides benefits such as clean air and water and sustainable economic growth. Helping to preserve biodiversity is not only important for the environment but also for our well-being.

9. References:
- "Why Biodiversity Matters." WWF, World Wildlife Fund,
- "Conservation Measures." Encyclopedia of the Arctic, edited by Mark Nuttall, vol. 1, Routledge, 2005, pp. 314-316.

This suggests that dolphins are mammals and need to come to the surface of the water to breathe air, just like humans.

Dolphins are animals that live in water, but they do not have gills. What might this suggest about dolphins?(1 point)


A.They make their own food.
They make their own food.

B. They do not need to release carbon dioxide.
They do not need to release carbon dioxide.

C. They have another structure to obtain oxygen.
They have another structure to obtain oxygen.

D. They do not need oxygen.
They do not need oxygen.

Which of the following is one response to higher temperatures in a habitat?(1 point)


more sweating
more sweating

more fat storage
more fat storage

more movement
more movement

thicker fur

Why is fever an effective response to pathogens?(1 point)


It can inactivate pathogens in the body.
It can inactivate pathogens in the body.

It can remove pathogens from the body.
It can remove pathogens from the body.

It can signal the body to run.
It can signal the body to run.

It can signal the body to fight.

It can inactivate pathogens in the body.

Beavers, large members of the rodent family in North America, are often referred to as “ecosystem/keystone engineers” by wildlife managers. Ecosystem engineers are described as animals that create, alter, or destroy a habitat. Beavers contribute to river ecosystems by bringing down old and dead trees along riverbanks. They use these trees to make their dams. Although these dams are primarily used for protection and food storage, scientists report that these dams change the surrounding environment in different ways.

Given this information, in three to five sentences, describe a potential benefit that beavers contribute to the ecosystem as keystone engineers and describe a plausible impact that the removal of beavers could have on the surrounding ECOSYSTEM

Beavers play a significant role in the ecosystem by creating habitats that support various plant and animal species. The dams they construct help to maintain water flow through the rivers, creating wetlands and marshes that are conducive to the growth of vegetation. These wetlands, in turn, provide food and shelter for many types of aquatic animals, including fish, frogs, and birds. The removal of beavers could lead to a decline in the variety of species in the ecosystem, with significant reductions in the numbers of many aquatic species that rely on the beaver's modifications to the habitat. Moreover, the lack of beavers might cause the river's water supply to decline, leading to droughts or negatively impacting agriculture in the region.