
A)not sexual
B)reproduction by the combination of male and female gametes
C)a reproductive cell, such as an unfertilized egg
D)a circular growth of leaves or petals around a given point on a stem
E)an unborn, developing plant or animal

D) a circular growth of leaves or petals around a given point on a stem.

_____ is the fusing of a male and a female gamete to form a new plant.



The term "whorl" has multiple meanings depending on the context. It can refer to:

D) A circular growth of leaves or petals around a given point on a stem. For example, in botany, a whorl is a type of arrangement where three or more leaves or petals are attached at the same level and encircle the stem. This creates a distinct pattern or formation that can vary in appearance.

If you encounter the term "whorl" in a botanical or floral context, it is likely referring to this definition. To identify a whorl, you can visually examine a plant's stem and observe if there are multiple leaves or petals attached in a circular pattern.

Conversely, while "whorl" can be used in different contexts, it does not refer to:

A) Not sexual - This option is not applicable to the term "whorl" as it does not describe anything related to sexuality.

B) Reproduction by the combination of male and female gametes - This option is not directly connected to the term "whorl," as whorl does not specifically relate to any reproductive processes.

C) A reproductive cell, such as an unfertilized egg - "Whorl" does not pertain to reproductive cells like unfertilized eggs.

E) An unborn, developing plant or animal - While the term "whorl" can be used in the context of plants, it does not specifically refer to an unborn or developing plant or animal. Whorls are mainly associated with the arrangement of leaves or petals.

Therefore, the most accurate definition of "whorl" is option D) a circular growth of leaves or petals around a given point on a stem.