help! Describe the split in the Muslim community caused by Muhammad’s death.

After Muhammad's death, there was a split in the Muslim community over who would succeed him as the leader or caliph. One group, known as the Sunnis, believed that the caliph should be elected by the community and serve as a political leader only. The other group, known as the Shiites, believed that the caliph should be a direct descendant of Muhammad and have both political and religious authority.

This split stemmed from disagreements over the interpretation of Islamic law and the role of the caliph. The Sunni view was that the caliph should simply act as the leader of the Muslim community and make decisions based on the consensus of the people. The Shiite view, on the other hand, saw the caliph as a divine figure with spiritual authority and the ability to interpret Islamic law.

Over time, this split has led to differences in religious practices and beliefs, as well as political conflicts between Sunni and Shiite nations. These conflicts continue to this day, with many Muslims around the world struggling to reconcile their religious beliefs with the political realities of the modern world.

In one-two sentences Describe the split in the Muslim community caused by Muhammad’s death.

The split in the Muslim community caused by Muhammad's death was a division between the Sunni and Shiite sects over who should succeed him as the leader or caliph, with the Sunnis believing in election and the Shiites believing in hereditary succession.

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Describe the split in the Muslim community caused by Muhammad’s death.