Which of the following is least reasonable regarding light waves?

Ultraviolet light has a shorter wavelength and lower frequency than visible light.

Frequency is equal to the speed of the wave divided by the wavelength of the wave.

An apple which appears red in white light would appear black when illuminated by blue light.

A banana appears yellow because it reflects red and green colors while absorbing blue.

An apple which appears red in white light would appear black when illuminated by blue light.

shorter wavelength is HIGHER frequency !!! Good grief!

You are correct! Sorry about that mistake. Ultraviolet light has a shorter wavelength and a higher frequency than visible light. Thank you for pointing that out.

To determine which of the options is least reasonable regarding light waves, let's examine each statement individually:

1. "Ultraviolet light has a shorter wavelength and lower frequency than visible light."
This statement is reasonable because it is a well-known fact that ultraviolet light has shorter wavelengths and higher frequencies than visible light. UV light falls between X-rays and visible light in the electromagnetic spectrum.

2. "Frequency is equal to the speed of the wave divided by the wavelength of the wave."
This statement is also reasonable. Frequency is indeed calculated by dividing the speed of the wave by its wavelength. This relationship is defined by the equation: frequency (f) = speed (v) / wavelength (λ).

3. "An apple which appears red in white light would appear black when illuminated by blue light."
This statement is less reasonable. When white light (which contains all visible colors) is incident upon an object, the object appears a certain color because it reflects that particular color and absorbs the other colors. Therefore, if an apple appears red in white light, it suggests that it reflects red light and absorbs the other colors. When illuminated with blue light, the apple would not appear black; rather it would appear very dark or even purplish because blue light would not be reflected. However, it is not accurate to say it would appear black.

4. "A banana appears yellow because it reflects red and green colors while absorbing blue."
This statement is also reasonable. Colors are perceived based on the light that is reflected by an object. If a banana appears yellow, it means it reflects yellow light while absorbing other colors. In the case of a yellow banana, it reflects a combination of red and green colors, which together give the perception of yellow.

Based on this analysis, option 3 ("An apple which appears red in white light would appear black when illuminated by blue light.") is the least reasonable statement regarding light waves.