Kim's flower was 2 inches high when she got it. It grew 0.75 inches per month until it was 12 months old. She keeps track of her flower's growth on a coordinate grid by graphing its height every two months and connecting the points to show the growth in between months.

Which statements are true? (Choose 4)


The Domain is [2, 11] and the Range is [0, 12]
The Domain is [2, 11] and the Range is [0, 12]

The Domain is [- infinity, 12] and the Range is [2, infinity]
The Domain is [- infinity, 12] and the Range is [2, infinity]

The function is discrete.
The function is discrete.

The function is decreasing over time.
The function is decreasing over time.

The function is increasing over time.
The function is increasing over time.

The function is Linear.
The function is Linear.

The Domain is [0, 12] and the Range is [2, 11]
The Domain is [0, 12] and the Range is [2, 11]

The function is Nonlinear.
The function is Nonlinear.

The functions is continuous.

The functions is continuous. (Note: this statement is not necessarily true since the function is discrete and only takes on specific, isolated values at certain points in time)

Kim's flower was 2 inches high when she got it. It grew 0.75 inches per month until it was 12 months old. She keeps track of her flower's growth on a coordinate grid by graphing its height every two months and connecting the points to show the growth in between months.

Based on this information, the following statements are true:

- The Domain is [0, 12] (inclusive of both 0 and 12), representing the time in months since Kim got the flower.
- The Range is [2, 8.5] (inclusive of both 2 and 8.5), representing the height of the flower in inches at different points in time.
- The function is discrete because it only takes on specific, isolated values every 2 months (e.g. 2 inches at month 0, 3.5 inches at month 2, 5 inches at month 4, etc.).
- The function is increasing over time because the height of the flower is getting bigger as time goes on.
- The function is nonlinear because it does not follow a straight line on the graph, but rather forms a curved shape as the flower grows at a constant rate per month.
- The function is continuous between the plotted points (i.e. the height of the flower) but not continuous across the entire domain (i.e. at every decimal point between whole numbers) because the function is discrete.

Which of the following functions has the values of the range decrease as the values in the domain increase?


f(x)= 2x − 15
f(x)= 2x − 15

f(x) = 12x − 15
f(x) = 12x − 15

f(x)= 15x − 2
f(x)= 15x − 2

f(x) = −2x + 15

f(x) = -2x + 15 has the values of the range decrease as the values in the domain increase.

Examine the following relationships and identify which relations are functions. Select all that apply.


x y
1 -10
2 -4
3 -1
4 2
5 -4

This relationship is a function since it has a unique output (y-value) for each input (x-value).

Examine the following relationships and identify which relations are functions. Select all that apply.


f(x) = -x^4 - 1

This is a function as well since each input (x-value) produces a unique output (y-value).

Examine the following relationships and identify which relations are functions.

(0, 4) (1, 5) (2, 6) (3, 7) (10, 7)