Create a visually appealing image of a hanging flower vase in the shape of a cone. The vase should have a radius of 5 inches and a height of 15 inches. Do not include any text in the image. The vase should appear to be made of transparent glass so that the viewer can visualize the volume the vase can hold.

A hanging flower vase is in the shape of a cone with a radius of 5 inches and a height of 15 inches. What volume of water can the flower vase hold? Use 3.14 for π

.(1 point)

392.5 cubic inches
392.5 cubic inches

1,570 cubic inches
1,570 cubic inches

78.5 cubic inches
78.5 cubic inches

1,177.5 cubic inches

The volume of a cone can be calculated using the formula V = (1/3)πr^2h, where V is the volume, r is the radius, and h is the height.

Plugging in the given values, we have V = (1/3)(3.14)(5^2)(15) = 392.5 cubic inches.

Therefore, the hanging flower vase can hold 392.5 cubic inches of water.