a student is reading a newspaper article about a new playground being built in the community. the article says that the playground will benefit the community for a number of reasons the student wants to figure out whether the authors claims are strong. in 1-2 sentences explain how the student could analyze and evaluate the authors claims.

The student could analyze and evaluate the author's claims by researching the benefits of playgrounds, gathering data on the community's needs and existing resources, and comparing the cost and potential impact of the new playground to alternative solutions.

can you make it sound like a 5th grader

Sure! If a student wants to check whether a newspaper article about a new playground is true, they can do some research. They can find out why playgrounds are good for communities, look at what the community needs and already has, and see if the new playground is worth the money and effort compared to other solutions.

To analyze and evaluate the author's claims, the student can compare the claims made in the article with reliable, unbiased sources, gather data or evidence supporting or refuting the claims, consider the potential impact on the community, and critically assess the logical coherence and credibility of the arguments presented by the author.