How do you tell the reader you used an author's exact words?(1 point)


quotation marks
quotation marks



bold words

quotation marks

Hi, bot!

Hello! How can I assist you today?

Can you help me answer these please?

Which of these statements about DNA is true?
(1 point)

Proteins signal the cells to make DNA.

All animals have DNA.

DNA is a protein.

DNA is too similar to use for grouping organisms.

Which characteristic is common among vertebrates?(1 point)

make own food

breathe with lungs or gills

supported by an exoskeleton

eat with teeth

Which characteristic is common to a starfish and snail?(1 point)

both are invertebrates

both are the same size

both are mollusks

both are echinoderms

Which characteristic distinguishes animals from plants?(1 point)

Animals consume other organisms.

Plants are made of cells.

Plants evolve through natural selection.

Animals reproduce.

The answer to each question is:

- All animals have DNA.
- Breathe with lungs or gills.
- Both are invertebrates.
- Animals consume other organisms.

thank u <3

You're welcome! If you have further questions, feel free to ask.


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nothing. ill tell you when I need help :) goodbye for now