You can use complementary or contrasting compositions to create _____ in your portfolio.

A. tedium
B. stability
C. monotony
D. excitement

D. excitement

D. excitement

To determine the answer to this question, let's break it down and analyze the options given.

The question is asking how complementary or contrasting compositions can contribute to the overall effect in a portfolio.

First, let's understand what complementary and contrasting compositions mean:

1. Complementary compositions: These involve arranging elements that are different but work well together. Complementary colors, for example, are situated opposite each other on the color wheel and create a harmonious effect when used together.

2. Contrasting compositions: These involve arranging elements that are different and deliberately create a stark contrast. For example, using opposing colors, shapes, or textures can create a dynamic and energetic effect in a composition.

Now, let's evaluate each option:

A. Tedium: Tedium refers to boredom, monotony, or lack of interest. Complementary or contrasting compositions are generally used to create visual interest and engage the viewer. Therefore, complementary or contrasting compositions are not likely to result in tedium.

B. Stability: Complementary compositions can create a sense of balance and stability when well-executed. By using elements that complement each other, a feeling of harmony is established. However, contrasting compositions may not necessarily contribute to stability, as they intentionally create contrast and visual tension.

C. Monotony: Complementary or contrasting compositions aim to break away from monotony by introducing variety and visual interest. Therefore, complementary or contrasting compositions do not contribute to monotony.

D. Excitement: This option aligns with the purpose of complementary or contrasting compositions. By using elements that are different or contrasting, you can create a visually exciting and dynamic effect. Contrast, in particular, can add a sense of intrigue and energy to a composition. Hence, the correct answer is D. excitement.

In summary, complementary or contrasting compositions can be used in a portfolio to create excitement.