Which claim about how chlorofluorocarbons are harmful to humans and the environment is true?(1 point)


Chlorofluorocarbons are the main component of smog, which can cause asthma and lung disease.
Chlorofluorocarbons are the main component of smog, which can cause asthma and lung disease.

Chlorofluorocarbons react with water, oxygen, and other gases to produce acid rain.
Chlorofluorocarbons react with water, oxygen, and other gases to produce acid rain.

Chlorofluorocarbons leak into the ground and contaminate the water supply.
Chlorofluorocarbons leak into the ground and contaminate the water supply.

Chlorofluorocarbons release chlorine or bromine in the stratosphere, destroying the ozone layer.
Chlorofluorocarbons release chlorine or bromine in the stratosphere, destroying the ozone layer.

Chlorofluorocarbons release chlorine or bromine in the stratosphere, destroying the ozone layer.

Which action is the primary cause of air pollution?

the burning of fossil fuels

Which option is a particulate associated with air pollution?
coal dust

Which claim about how chlorofluorocarbons are harmful...
they release chlorine or bromine

Which statement identifies a consequence of acid rain?
It can lead to habitat loss for aquatic organisms

Which action would most likely reduce the occurrence of acid rain?
promoting the use of renewable energy

promoting the use of renewable energy

The true claim about how chlorofluorocarbons are harmful to humans and the environment is: "Chlorofluorocarbons release chlorine or bromine in the stratosphere, destroying the ozone layer."

To determine the true claim, you can evaluate each claim individually and consider its accuracy in relation to the harmful effects of chlorofluorocarbons.

1. "Chlorofluorocarbons are the main component of smog, which can cause asthma and lung disease." This claim is incorrect because chlorofluorocarbons are not a component of smog. Smog is primarily formed by pollutants such as nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds, not chlorofluorocarbons.

2. "Chlorofluorocarbons react with water, oxygen, and other gases to produce acid rain." This claim is also incorrect because chlorofluorocarbons do not contribute significantly to acid rain formation. Acid rain is primarily caused by emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides from burning fossil fuels, not chlorofluorocarbons.

3. "Chlorofluorocarbons leak into the ground and contaminate the water supply." This claim is partially accurate. While chlorofluorocarbons can contaminate the water supply when they leak, their potential for this type of contamination is relatively low compared to other pollutants. The main source of contamination comes from improper disposal or accidental spills of chlorofluorocarbons.

4. "Chlorofluorocarbons release chlorine or bromine in the stratosphere, destroying the ozone layer." This claim is true. When chlorofluorocarbons are released into the atmosphere, they can rise to the stratosphere. There, they break down due to exposure to ultraviolet radiation and release chlorine or bromine atoms. These atoms then catalytically destroy ozone molecules, leading to the depletion of the ozone layer.

Therefore, the claim "Chlorofluorocarbons release chlorine or bromine in the stratosphere, destroying the ozone layer" is the true claim about how chlorofluorocarbons are harmful to humans and the environment.