Which option is a particulate associated with air pollution?(1 point)




carbon monoxide
carbon monoxide

coal dust

coal dust

The particulate associated with air pollution from the given options is coal dust.

To determine which option is a particulate associated with air pollution, we can analyze each option individually and consider its properties and relevance to air pollution.

1. Chlorofluorocarbons: Although chlorofluorocarbons are a type of pollutant, they are not particulates. Instead, they are greenhouse gases responsible for depleting the ozone layer.

2. Ozone: Ozone is also a form of air pollutant, but it is not a particulate. Ozone pollution occurs when sunlight reacts with other air pollutants like nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds. High levels of ground-level ozone can be harmful to human health and the environment.

3. Carbon monoxide: Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas that is a byproduct of incomplete combustion, such as in automobile engines or poorly ventilated stoves. While carbon monoxide is not a particulate, it is a major air pollutant due to its toxicity, as it can impair oxygen transport in the body.

4. Coal dust: Coal dust, on the other hand, is a particulate associated with air pollution. When coal is burned, it releases numerous particles into the air, including coal dust. These particles can contribute to the formation of smog and can also have adverse health effects when inhaled.

Thus, out of the given options, coal dust is the particulate associated with air pollution.