
What is the lowest level of taxonomic classification?



The lowest level of taxonomic classification is species.

The lowest level of taxonomic classification is the species. To find this answer, we need to understand the concept of taxonomy and the hierarchy of classification.

Taxonomy is the science of classification, specifically the classification of organisms. It involves organizing living organisms into various levels based on their shared characteristics. This classification system is hierarchical, with each level representing a different rank.

The highest level of the classification hierarchy is the domain, followed by kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and finally species. Each level becomes increasingly specific, with species being the most specific level.

To answer the question, we need to look at the options provided: genus, order, class, and species. Comparing these options, we can see that species is the lowest level of classification among them. Genus, order, and class come before species in the taxonomic hierarchy.

Therefore, the correct answer is species.