What is the lowest level of taxonomic classification (i.e., the narrowest)?(1 point)







The lowest level of taxonomic classification, which is also the narrowest, is the species.

The lowest level of taxonomic classification, also known as the narrowest level, is the species.

To find the lowest level of taxonomic classification, you would follow the hierarchical structure of taxonomy. The classification system starts with the broadest category, called the domain, and then progresses through kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and finally ends with species. Each level becomes more specific and groups together organisms that share more similarities.

In this case, the lowest level is the species category. It is a group of organisms that share similar physical traits and can interbreed to produce fertile offspring. The species name is always written in lowercase and consists of two parts: the genus name (written with a capital letter) and the species identifier (written in lowercase). For example, in Homo sapiens, "" is the genus and "sapiens" is the species identifier.

So, out of the options provided, the correct answer is species.