Birds are uniquely classified from other organisms because they all(1 point)


have wings.
have wings.

eat seeds.
eat seeds.

have feathers.
have feathers.

lay eggs.
lay eggs.

All of the above

Snails and beetles have exoskeletons. Hypothesize the advantages and disadvantages of having an exoskeleton rather than a backbone. Explain your answer in one or two sentences.

Advantages of having an exoskeleton include protection from physical injury and the ability to retain moisture, while disadvantages include limited growth potential and inflexibility compared to having a backbone.

Vertebrates include fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Analyze the common characteristics of reptiles and explain how they differ from mammals. Explain your answer in one or two sentences.

Common characteristics of reptiles include scaly skin, cold-bloodedness, and laying shelled eggs, while mammals have hair or fur, are warm-blooded, and give birth to live young.

To determine which response is correct, we can analyze each statement and see if it aligns with the unique characteristics of birds.

1. "Have wings": While it is true that birds have wings, not all organisms with wings are birds. Bats, for example, also have wings but belong to the mammal group. Therefore, this statement is not specific enough to classify birds uniquely.

2. "Eat seeds": The diet of an organism is not a unique characteristic to classify birds. There are other animals that eat seeds, such as squirrels or some insects.

3. "Have feathers": Feathers are indeed a unique characteristic of birds. While there might be rare cases of non-avian organisms having limited feather-like structures, feathers primarily belong to birds.

4. "Lay eggs": While many organisms lay eggs, such as reptiles or amphibians, the specific type of eggs that birds lay - hard-shelled amniotic eggs - is indeed unique to birds.

Given the analysis above, the correct answer is "Birds are uniquely classified from other organisms because they have feathers and lay eggs."