Birds are uniquely classified from other organisms because they all(1 point)


have wings.
have wings.

have feathers.
have feathers.

eat seeds.
eat seeds.

lay eggs.

lay eggs.

Birds are uniquely classified from other organisms because they all:

1. Have wings.
2. Have feathers.
3. Eat seeds.
4. Lay eggs.

To determine which of the given responses is correct, we need to understand the unique characteristics of birds.

One of the defining features of birds is that they have feathers. Feathers are specialized structures that provide birds with insulation, enable flight, and help with communication and mating rituals.

Another characteristic of birds is that they have wings. Wings are appendages that allow birds to fly, glide, and maneuver through the air. While not all birds can fly, their wings are still present, even if they are modified for other purposes like swimming or walking.

Eating seeds is not unique to birds. Many other animals, such as mammals and insects, also consume seeds as part of their diet.

Laying eggs, on the other hand, is a characteristic that distinguishes birds from most other organisms. Birds are oviparous, which means they reproduce by laying eggs. The eggs are usually hard-shelled and incubated by the parents until they hatch.

Based on this information, the correct answer is that birds are uniquely classified from other organisms because they have feathers.