14. A nursery owner has 288 rose bushes. There are 36 fewer red roses than pink roses. How many of each type of roses are there?

Let's call the number of pink roses "P" and the number of red roses "R".

We know that there are 288 roses in total, so:

P + R = 288

We also know that there are 36 fewer red roses than pink roses, so:

R = P - 36

Now we can substitute the second equation into the first equation:

P + (P - 36) = 288

Simplifying this, we get:

2P - 36 = 288

Adding 36 to both sides:

2P = 324

Dividing by 2:

P = 162

So there are 162 pink roses.

To find the number of red roses, we can use the second equation we came up with:

R = P - 36 = 162 - 36 = 126

So there are 126 red roses.

Therefore, there are 162 pink roses and 126 red roses in the nursery.