List several natural events that can lead to competition of resources

1. Drought: When water becomes scarce, plants and animals will compete for the limited resources available, including water, food, and shelter.

2. Wildfires: A wildfire can destroy vast areas of a forest, leaving remaining plants and animals to compete for the limited resources that remain.

3. Floods: Floods can cause soil erosion and wash away nutrients, making it difficult for plants to grow. This competition can lead to a decrease in plant quantity and quality.

4. Seasons: Seasonal changes can lead to competition for food and shelter as animals prepare for harsh or difficult circumstances like winter.

5. Climate change: As the climate changes, animals and plants will need to adjust to new conditions and adapt. This change can create new competition and scarcity of available resources.

6. Disease: When a disease affects a plant or animal population, it can create a scarcity of resources since the host has less energy, less mobility, or less strength to obtain those resources compared to the unaffected host.

7. Natural disasters: Natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and landslides can disrupt habitats, making it more difficult for plants and animals to meet their needs. This can create a competition to secure resources to survive these tough times.