What is the scale factor of dilation when the blue shape is a dilation of the black shape ?

A 1/4
B 4
C 2
D 1/2

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Sorry idk how to put pics

No worries! Without an image, I am unable to answer the question. Let me know if you have any other questions that I might be able to assist with.

To determine the scale factor of dilation, we need to determine the ratio of corresponding side lengths between the two shapes.

The scale factor is calculated by dividing the length of a corresponding side on the dilated shape by the length of the same side on the original shape. In this case, we are comparing the blue shape (dilated shape) to the black shape (original shape).

To find the scale factor, we need to compare the lengths of corresponding sides of the two shapes. However, since we don't have any specific measurements or lengths given for the sides, it is not possible to determine the scale factor without more information.

Therefore, the answer cannot be determined based on the information provided.