Describe the dilation of triangle ABC, with a scale factor of 5 and a center point of dilation at the origin (0, 0).

To describe the dilation of triangle ABC with a scale factor of 5 and a center point of dilation at the origin (0, 0), you need to apply the scale factor to each vertex of the original triangle.

1. Start by plotting the original triangle ABC on a coordinate plane. Make sure to label the vertices A, B, and C with their respective coordinates.

2. To apply the dilation, multiply the x-coordinate and y-coordinate of each vertex by the scale factor (5). Let's say the coordinates of point A are (x1, y1), the coordinates of point B are (x2, y2), and the coordinates of point C are (x3, y3).

The new coordinates of A will be (5 * x1, 5 * y1).
The new coordinates of B will be (5 * x2, 5 * y2).
The new coordinates of C will be (5 * x3, 5 * y3).

3. Plot the new points after applying the dilation on the same coordinate plane. Label these points A', B', and C'.

A' should be located at (5 * x1, 5 * y1).
B' should be located at (5 * x2, 5 * y2).
C' should be located at (5 * x3, 5 * y3).

4. Connect the new points A', B', and C' to form the dilated triangle A'B'C'.

A'B' should connect the new points A' and B'.
B'C' should connect the new points B' and C'.
C'A' should connect the new points C' and A'.

The resulting triangle A'B'C' is the dilation of triangle ABC with a scale factor of 5 and a center point of dilation at the origin (0, 0).

To describe the dilation of triangle ABC with a scale factor of 5 and a center point of dilation at the origin (0, 0), follow these steps:

Step 1: Draw triangle ABC. Ensure that the three vertices, A, B, and C, are labeled.

Step 2: Plot the center of dilation at the origin (0, 0) on the coordinate plane.

Step 3: Draw a line segment from each vertex of the triangle to the origin. Label these line segments as AO, BO, and CO, respectively, where O represents the origin.

Step 4: Measure the length of each line segment (AO, BO, CO) and multiply it by the scale factor of 5.

Step 5: Use these new measurements to draw the corresponding line segments starting from the origin. Label the endpoints of these line segments as A', B', and C', respectively.

Step 6: Finally, connect the endpoints A', B', and C' to form the dilated triangle A'B'C'. Ensure that the angles between the sides of the original triangle and the corresponding sides of the dilated triangle remain the same.

The dilation of triangle ABC with a scale factor of 5 and a center point of dilation at the origin (0, 0) would result in a new triangle A'B'C' that is five times larger than the original triangle ABC. The coordinates of the vertices of triangle A'B'C' would be (0, 0), (5x, 5y), and (5u, 5v), where (x, y), (u, v) are the coordinates of the vertices of triangle ABC.