How does an informational text inform an audience about a subject?

Buy presenting facts in data without option or bias

By changing word choice to make the subject amusing

By using point of view to persuade about something

By describing the subject with rich descriptive language

Informative point of view quick check

The correct answer is: By presenting facts in data without option or bias.

what is point of view

Point of view refers to the perspective or opinion from which a story is told or information is presented. It can be the perspective of the narrator, author, or a specific character. Point of view can influence how the audience perceives and interprets the events or information being shared.

An informational text informs an audience about a subject by presenting facts and data without opinion or bias. It aims to provide objective information and evidence to educate the reader about a specific topic or subject. This type of text focuses on providing accurate and reliable information that can be easily understood by the audience. To write an informative text, the author should conduct thorough research, gather relevant and supporting evidence, and present the information in a clear and concise manner. The goal is to help the audience gain knowledge and understanding about the subject being discussed.