Atenea has 2 5/6 pounds of trail mix. She makes seven 1/3 -pound snack bags with the trail mix for her daily snack for the next week and gives the rest of the trail mix to her brother. How much trail mix does Atenea give to her brother?

A 2 1/2 pounds

B 1/2 pound

C 1 2/3 pounds

D 1/3 pounds

First, we need to find out how much trail mix Atenea uses for her daily snack bags.

7 x 1/3 = 7/3 = 2 1/3 pounds

This means she uses up 2 1/3 pounds of trail mix for her own snacks for the week.

To find out how much she gives to her brother, we subtract this amount from her total amount of trail mix:

2 5/6 - 2 1/3 = 2/6 = 1/3

Therefore, Atenea gives her brother 1/3 pound of trail mix.

The answer is D) 1/3 pounds.