carlos makes 1 pound of snack mix using nuts, raisins, and cereal this makes enough for 12 people to have a serving

carlos makes 1 pound of snack mix using nuts, raisins, and cereal this makes enough for 12 people to have a serving

What is your question?

To determine the amount of snack mix needed for each serving, we need to divide 1 pound by the number of people. In this case, we can divide 1 by 12 to find the amount of snack mix each person will have.

1 pound ÷ 12 people = 0.0833 pounds per person

So, Carlos makes approximately 0.0833 pounds of snack mix per person.

To determine the amount of snack mix each person gets in a serving, we need to find the total amount of snack mix Carlos makes and divide it by the number of servings.

Given that Carlos makes 1 pound of snack mix and it is enough for 12 people to have a serving, we can calculate the amount of snack mix per serving by dividing 1 pound by 12:

1 pound / 12 servings = 0.0833 pounds per serving

Therefore, each person gets approximately 0.0833 pounds (or approximately 83.3 grams) of snack mix in a serving.