the new deal

1. the social security act provided benefits for unemployment and retirement.

2. president Roosevelt believed that by giving people money and jobs, ect

3. what did the FDIC provide?
safety of bank deposits
retirement befits
unemployment wages

4.what did the PWA create?
bank deposits
government loans
construction jobs

5. the WPA employed

plz help im lost

1. True

2. Economy
3. Safety of bank deposits
4. Construction jobs
5. Artists, builders, and various other types of workers.

thanks and the last one just say artists


You're welcome! And yes, the WPA employed artists, as well as other types of workers.

Of course! I'd be happy to help clarify these questions for you.

1. The statement "the Social Security Act provided benefits for unemployment and retirement" is true. The Social Security Act, passed in 1935 as part of the New Deal, established a program to provide benefits to individuals who were retired, unemployed, disabled, or who were dependent on someone who had passed away. These benefits took the form of retirement pensions and unemployment insurance.

2. It seems like this question is asking about President Roosevelt's beliefs regarding his economic policies during the Great Depression. Out of the options given, the answer would be "economy." President Roosevelt believed that by implementing economic policies, such as job creation programs and monetary relief, he could stimulate the economy and alleviate the hardships caused by the depression.

3. The FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) provided safety for bank deposits. Established in 1933 as part of the New Deal, the FDIC guaranteed the safety of individuals' deposits in member banks, up to a specified amount. This measure aimed to restore confidence in the banking system and prevent bank runs.

4. The PWA (Public Works Administration) was responsible for creating construction jobs. Established in 1933 as part of the New Deal, the PWA aimed to stimulate the economy through infrastructure projects. It funded and executed major public works projects such as the construction of bridges, dams, airports, and public buildings, which in turn created employment opportunities.

5. The WPA (Works Progress Administration) employed various types of workers, including artists, builders, and individuals from other professions. Established in 1935, the WPA was a federal agency that aimed to provide employment to millions of people during the Great Depression. It funded projects in a wide range of fields, including the arts, construction, and infrastructure development.

I hope these explanations help clarify the questions for you! Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with.